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SQL Operator Precedence Table

Operator Description Precedence
INTERVAL Return the index of the argument that is less than the first argument 1
BINARY COLLATE This is a type that stores binary byte strings This clause override whatever the default collation is for comparison 2
! Negate values 3
-A ~A It change the sign of the operand It inverts the bits of operand 4
^ Bitwise XOR 5
* / DIV MOD Multiplication operator Division operator Integer Division (discard the fractional part of division) Modulo operator 6
- A +A Minus operator Addition operator 7
<< >> Shift a (BIGINT) number or binary string to left Shift a (BIGINT) number or binary string to right 8
& Bitwise AND 9
| Bitwise OR 10
= < => > <= != IS LIKE REGEXP IN Comparison operator NULL-safe equal to operator Greater than Greater than or equal to Less than Less than or equal to Not Equal to operator Test a value against a boolean value Pattern matching operator Matches the string expression with the regular expression Check whether a value is present in list or not 11
Check whether a value is within a range of values Case operator 12
NOT Negates Value 13
AND, && Logical AND 14
XOR Logical XOR 15
OR, || Logical OR 16